Saturday, March 10, 2012

Giveaway Winner Announcement

     I intended to do the announcement of the winner much earlier this week. But I woke up on Thursday morning with VERTIGO. If you've never had it before, you might not think it could knock you off your feet for several days. Believe me, it really can! I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday afternoon to get "adjusted" so my ears would go back to normal and my eyes would stop spinning in my head. And then I had to keep my head still and level for 24 hours - upright all night in a recliner. But today I can walk without feeling like I'm in the dizzy house at the carnival arcade. So I thought I'd go ahead and do the random number generator and pick a winner out of the 13 replies to the Giveaway Post.And thank you for the feedback on the new work, it was very appreciated.
     The random number is 1 - the winner is ALICE! Send me an email with your mailing address and I'll send you the pendant. I hope you enjoy designing with it.
     BUT WAIT! All 13 of you who posted (including you, Alice) can use the password GIVEAWAYPOST at the Etsy site and you will get free shipping and 20% discount on anything you purchase between now and the end of March!Don't forget to put the word GIVEAWAYPOST in your notes, so I know you're using the code to get the discount and free shipping - I may not know it's YOU otherwise!
     I hope you all go shopping for any goodies you may have had your eye on, with free shipping and a discount - but don't wait until April 1 - no fooling!


sharon said...

Congrat's to Alice!

So sorry to hear that you have vertigo brother has suffered from that off and on his whole life..he is 42, and I have seen him be in bed for days from it.
I sure hope you are back to normal soon, will send healing thoughts your way.
I for one will definitely be taking advantage of your special code this month! Thank you!

LLYYNN - Lynn Davis said...

Thanks, Sharon, for the healing wishes. You wouldn't think your eyes and ears would have much connection, but in the brain apparently they are tight! It's the weirdest thing, to be holding still and watching the room supposedly spinning around you! Not fun, though. I appreciate the well-wishes.

Alice said...

I'm so excited to have won!!! I'll get that email right out.

I'm sorry vertigo kept you in bed for so long. I've never experienced it, but it must be a very strange feeling.

Take care!